Larry, was born and raised in Grant County North Dakota, and was a graduate of Elgin High School in 1969. He also served one hitch in the U S Air Force during the Vietnam Era. Next, he worked in commercial construction for a number of years, but always had a passion for food.
In 1986 Larry finally had the chance to show off his passion for food by purchasing his first Restaurant. And after 25 years of owning and operating not only his own restaurants but taking on jobs such as Executive Chef & Manager for other owners, Larry decided; although it had been a great ride, 25 years was long enough. Today, he dedicates his time to "Rieker’s Gourmet Blend" Seasonings! And here is the story about how it all started.
Larry Rieker, with his wife Rachael.
In 1997 Larry met a man that came into the restaurant who said “that is the best steak I have ever had in my life, it must be marinated”. Larry told his patron “No. It wasn’t marinated. I just put on my secret seasoning I make”. His customer then said, "if you want to market that seasoning I can help you". It was this gentleman who put Larry in touch with the right connections and "Rieker’s Gourmet Blend" was born in July of 2000.
Larry contributes this success to having the best, and most loyal customers and distributors one could ask for. "They spread the word and don’t keep my secret their secret. Thank you all from the bottom of my heart”.
Larry says what he enjoys most about his business is the ability to share his cooking passion with everyone. Rieker's sets itself apart from most seasonings by offering a variety of options, using quality ingredients, and having no MSG!
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